+255 22 2774581-2

Why Joining Tanzania Association of Non-Government Organization (TANGO)

We are a group of registered NGOs with a dream to have a strong and vibrant Civil Society in Tanzania in which NGOs collectively, play an active and effective role in promoting people-centred development. As a group, we aim at increasing the quality and quantity NGOs sector contribution in Human Development.

As an Association we want to fulfil the following functions; facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for the Member NGOs to operate and achieve the social, political and economic transformation, establish among its members and relevant institutions including the government a forum for coordination and exchange of information and experience; and promote the linking up of local member NGOs with likeminded national, regional, international and bilateral bodies, act as members unifying organ by promoting, networking and organizing, where necessary, the participation and contributions of member NGOs to the social, economic and political development to Tanzanian people, prompt and support all social, civil awareness and economic activities by member NGOs at the benefit of a substantial or significant part of the Tanzanian community including a special focus on such other activities that are meant to promote, directly or indirectly, the well-being of the dis-advantaged groups of the community,

Enjoy the following Opportunities

  • Be part of the largest platform of multi-sectoral Tanzania NGO Organizations and benefit from the National and International relations of TANGO to which you can be linked.
  • Enjoy the benefits of working in harmony and partnership with like-minded organizations.
  • TANGO will give its members Organizations priority to participate in meetings, seminars, training programs and workshops.
  • Participate in Capacity Development Initiatives organized by TANGO and or its members for individual member NGOs either as a beneficiary and or as a facilitator in your area of expertise.
  • Remain informed on a variety of development related issues through our own media channels and other media relation services.
  • Have your voice heard in a united front at national and international fora

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